
Showing posts from 2018

Summer Before Abroad

Hello everyone!! It has been a while! I have missed blogging since it is so much like my journal for me! Since it has been a minute since I have gotten the time to blog, I figured I would update you all on my plans for the rest of this year! I will going abroad in less than 6 weeks for 5 months! I am sooooooo excited :) I cannot wait to experience life in another country. I am hoping to document absolutely everything while I am in Europe...and hopefully I will be able upload pictures of my adventures!!!!!! I am so ready for this trip of a lifetime! Continue to check back in for I am not sure how the wifi will be or when I will have the change to upload all the pictures. I am also planning on updating this for tips and tricks for others once I return! Chat with you all so very soon! XO SCD