
Showing posts from December, 2014


Hi everybody I will be posting the rest of me Vlogmas videos this upcoming weekend. I am really sick and have some family issues not to mentions issues with YouTube. Hope you understand. XO Chat soon SCD


Hi guys! Today was a very stressful day where as the rest of this week will be too, so that being said I don't have a Vlog for today. I really hope you understand but I will be combing the rest of this week into one video or maybe not I haven't really decided but for right now Tuesday's will be with Wed. Thanks so much for understanding. See you Wednesday with the two day Vlog! Also check out Blogmas here too! XO SCD


Its the 2nd day of December! Hi friends, Welcome back for another Blogmas post. Today I am suppppppeeerrrrr busy with appointments and class and the list goes on and on and on. I am squeezing time here is the a.m. to have a quick post up. Even though life gets very hectic I try to remember what makes me happy during the crazy times. Like holiday shopping, my family, and of course the blog! I love writing everyday or almost everyday. Now with Blogmas I feel there is a certain expectation that comes with it so I have to live up to it. For today I thought it would be fun to share some holiday traditions I have with my family. Just something quick, fun, and easy for today. Something that my family and I do every Christmas is travel to my Dad's side on Christmas Eve and spent lots of time with them like going to church, opening presents, and having our meal together. Its a great time. On my Mom's side we go to my other grandparents on Christmas Day. We spend the whole day


Hi friends I am releasing todays Vlog with the link for you to watch through YouTube. Hope you enjoy and stick around for tomorrows! XO SCD


Happy 1st Day od December Everyone! I have been waiting for this day to come since I thought of doing Blogmas in October. Its here and I'M SOOOOO EXCITED! I hope you can feel the excitement through the screen. To start off the first post I want to introduce my self a little more. I currently work with three amazing friends who help me run the blog, they give ideas ad sometimes post. We call each other Bee, K-Bear, and Lala. You will here me speak of them in the Vlog I am posting for you soon. I will continue to post more about our selves on the videos so you will have to watch them to find out more about us. :} Lets get this Blogmas started!! Today's post is about Christmas Shopping . Well today is CyberMonday and boy there are great deals if you are looking for some. I typically have a list of what I need to get and accomplish my goal even before December but this year.This year I have only started with my parents, siblings, and a few friends. I have about 10 more