
Showing posts from May, 2017


I seriously laughed out loud at this picture 😂  It is soooooo true ha! Anyway's...I wanted to put together so tips that really help me survive finals week that might just help you too! Here it goes... 1 . DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT WAIT TELL THE LAST MINUTE FOR ANYTHING It releases so much stress being productive and getting your assignments, papers, or even studying in proper time manner. You will thank yourself later that you got it done before the last minute.  2. EXERCISE EXCERSISE EXERCISE!! It really really helps to get your body moving and release stress. If it is nice out get outside! Enjoy the weather and relax your brain 😎🌣 3. TRY TO EAT HEALTHY You would not believe how much it helps your body and your brain perform to its highest abilities on heathy food. Junk food will not help when cramming for your exams. And don't forget to drink lots of water!  4. SPEND TIME WITH YOUR FRIENDS Finals week means it is either end of...

Update & Summer Plans

I am SO ready for Summer I don't know about you guys?!! I wanted to dedicate a full post on what you guys can expect from me this summer as far as blog posts go. I will be working 5 days a week this summer and every other Wednesday I want to be my blogging days. I am going to try and get three posts up each week but I need your guys' help with suggestions on what posts you would like to see from me this summer!  Please comment below any suggestions! I also have some possible summer trips planned! I am planning putting up blog posts of all the places we are going, the food we will eat, and of course some of my outfits! Another thing I wanted to run by you guys is posting more style posts. Would you guys be into posts like that?! Will be posting more so stay tuned! 💋's  SCD 🐦: scdblogger 📸: southerncitydreams 👻: scdblog


 Hey guys!! It has been a while since I have posted a blog post! I have missed it so much!  I have been so busy these past few months that I did not have time to put blog posts up. Now that the college year is wrapping up I will have more time to update you guys! I am so excited for summer to come ☼ I have so many fun things planned for this summer. I am still going to be working full time this summer but I my nights will be completely free so I am going to try and get three blog posts up a week if not more. Depending on my schedule each week I can let you guys know through social media when I will be uploading. If you don't follow me on social media you definitely should! Links are below! Now to address the changes that you may see on the blog. I changed the theme! I wanted to try this new set up so pleas e tell me if you like it! I also am going to keep revamping other things on the blog to keep things modern and fresh. Like always thank you so much ...