I seriously laughed out loud at this picture 😂 It is soooooo true ha! Anyway's...I wanted to put together so tips that really help me survive finals week that might just help you too! Here it goes... 1 . DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT WAIT TELL THE LAST MINUTE FOR ANYTHING It releases so much stress being productive and getting your assignments, papers, or even studying in proper time manner. You will thank yourself later that you got it done before the last minute. 2. EXERCISE EXCERSISE EXERCISE!! It really really helps to get your body moving and release stress. If it is nice out get outside! Enjoy the weather and relax your brain 😎🌣 3. TRY TO EAT HEALTHY You would not believe how much it helps your body and your brain perform to its highest abilities on heathy food. Junk food will not help when cramming for your exams. And don't forget to drink lots of water! 4. SPEND TIME WITH YOUR FRIENDS Finals week means it is either end of...