Hey guys!!

It has been a while since I have posted a blog post! I have missed it so much! 

I have been so busy these past few months that I did not have time to put blog posts up. Now that the college year is wrapping up I will have more time to update you guys! I am so excited for summer to come ☼ I have so many fun things planned for this summer. I am still going to be working full time this summer but I my nights will be completely free so I am going to try and get three blog posts up a week if not more. Depending on my schedule each week I can let you guys know through social media when I will be uploading. If you don't follow me on social media you definitely should! Links are below!

Now to address the changes that you may see on the blog. I changed the theme! I wanted to try this new set up so pleas
e tell me if you like it! I also am going to keep revamping other things on the blog to keep things modern and fresh.

Like always thank you so much for reading and I PROMISE to keep updating you guys with more blog posts and on social media πŸ˜„

Also if you have any suggestions for blog posts that you want to see please leave a comment below!

Talk soon!



🐦: scdblogger
πŸ“Έ: southerncitydreams
πŸ‘»: scdblog


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