First Snow Day of the Year!

Hey y'all! It has been forever and a day since I have posted on my blog. I have missed it so much and hopefully I can get back into the swing of things soon! Since it is almost the holiday's (insert my happy dance here!) I wanted to get a few posts up. 
As I am typing this, I am currently sitting with a warm blanket around me, sipping hot chocolate on this windy blizzard afternoon. Seriously we are getting dumped on with snow... I am in pure bliss at this moment :) 
(Elf is my favorite Christmas movie! Well along side Christmas Vacation of course :p) 

I just love the holiday season! So many happy memories full of laughter and joy! Thank you Jesus!
Any who, another thing that I wanted to share with you guys is that 
I AM DOING BLOGMAS!! I am going to try my very best and participate in blogmas this year. Fingers crossed that I will be able to get some posts up for your guys.
That being said, their might be a few days here and there that I will not be able to get some posts up i.e. Around finals week. 
But I will certainly try my best!

What is blogmas?  I and many other bloggers participate in putting up a blog post everyday from December 1st through December 25th. You may have also heard of blogcember where people post a blog post every day in December. But, I do not think I would be able to successfully complete that so I chose to do Blogmas instead. During blogmas, bloggers post on many things. Examples being delicious recipes, styling outfits, beauty posts, lifestyle, anything to do with the holidays, and many other things! It is really fun to participate in as well as read other people's posts. 

I cannot wait to start thinking of ideas for what I am going to post about. If you have any suggestions of what you would like to see please leave a comment below! 

Well now that I am done rambling on and on ;) 
I am so happy to be back and start blogging again!

Love you all <3


P.S. If you want any fun thanksgiving outfit, hair, beauty, food inspiration check out my Pinterest! I have some great pins for you to check out.

Contact me:
Twitter: @scdblogger
Snapchat: scdblog


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